Pubblicato: 17.01.2024
Tempo di lettura: Min.
Dr. Harald Stephan
Dr. rer. medic. Harald Stephan
Esperto di salute

In the vast realm of cannabis and hemp, tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the most well-known and sometimes controversial compounds. Known for its psychoactive effects, THC is both celebrated for its potential therapeutic benefits and debated for its intoxicating properties. In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the world of THC, exploring its relationship with CBD, understanding its chemical formula and shedding light on its effects. We also look at the interesting comparison between THC and HHC and introduce you to the diverse range of THC-related products that LuckyHemp proudly offers.

THC and CBD: the dynamic duo

Although both THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis plant, they have different properties and effects. THC is primarily known for its psychoactive effect, which gives the user the characteristic "high". On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive and is praised for its potential therapeutic benefits without euphoric sensations. The two compounds can act synergistically, which is known as the 'entourage effect'. This means that when taken together, they can enhance each other's positive effects while mitigating potential side effects. For example, CBD could mitigate the psychoactive effects of THC, providing a more balanced experience.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

  • Effect: THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis that is responsible for the characteristic "high" or intoxicating effect. It affects the central nervous system and can produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation and heightened sensory perception.
  • Medical applications: THC is used in medicine to relieve pain, nausea and vomiting (especially in chemotherapy patients) and to increase appetite.
  • Side effects: Possible side effects of THC include anxiety, paranoia, dry mouth, red eyes and short-term memory impairment.

CBD (cannabidiol)

  • Effect: Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive properties and therefore does not cause a "high". However, it has a calming effect and can help to alleviate the psychoactive effects of THC.
  • Medical applications: CBD is used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including the relief of anxiety, depression, inflammation, pain and seizures. It also has neuroprotective properties and is being studied in research as a potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Side effects: CBD is generally considered to be well tolerated, but in some cases can cause side effects such as fatigue, diarrhea and changes in appetite.

Synergies and the "entourage effect": Interestingly, studies have shown that THC and CBD, when consumed together, can have a so-called "entourage effect". This means that the combined effect of the two cannabinoids is stronger than the sum of their individual effects. For example, CBD can reduce the unwanted side effects of THC, such as anxiety and paranoia, while enhancing its pain-relieving properties.

HHC vs THC: What's the difference? HHC, or hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol, is a hydrogenated form of THC. Although HHC is structurally similar, it does not have the same psychoactive properties as THC. This means that while it offers some of the potential therapeutic benefits of THC, it does not induce the characteristic 'high'. The emergence of HHC is a testament to the ongoing innovations in the world of cannabis and hemp.

THC formula: A closer look

The chemical formula of tetrahydrocannabinol is C₂₁H₃₀O₂. On a molecular level, THC is very similar to its counterpart CBD. However, the slight difference in their molecular arrangement leads to completely different effects on the human body. THC binds directly to the CB1 receptors in the brain, which leads to its psychoactive effect. This direct interaction distinguishes THC from CBD in terms of its effect on perception and cognition.

THC effect

The effects of THC on the human body and mind are manifold:

  • Euphoria and relaxation: the most well-known effect of THC is the feeling of euphoria it can produce. Many users also report feelings of relaxation and heightened sensory perception.
  • Pain relief: THC has been studied for its potential analgesic properties, making it a candidate for pain management.
  • Appetite stimulation: THC can increase appetite, which may be beneficial for those suffering from appetite stimulating conditions.
  • Sleep aid: For some, THC can act as a sleep aid and promote rest.

How long is THC detectable?

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis, is metabolized by the body after use and stored in fat cells. The detectability of THC in the body depends on several factors, including frequency of use, quantity, metabolism and the type of test used.

How long is THC detectable in the blood? After consuming cannabis, the psychoactive cannabinoid THC quickly enters the bloodstream. However, THC is only detectable in the blood for a comparatively short time. For occasional users, THC can usually be detected in the blood a few hours to a day after the last use. With frequent or intensive use, however, this period can be somewhat longer, often up to 3 days. It is important to note that the exact duration of the detectability of THC in the blood is influenced by various factors, including the amount consumed, the frequency of consumption and the individual metabolism. Nevertheless, the blood test often serves as an indicator of recent cannabis use, as THC only remains in the blood for a limited period of time.

How long is THC detectable in urine? THC, the main psychoactive in cannabis, can be detected in the body for a certain period of time after consumption. The length of time THC is detectable in urine depends on various factors, including the frequency of use, the amount ingested, the individual's metabolism and the sensitivity of the test. Occasional users can detect THC metabolites in urine for 3 to 7 days after the last use. For regular users, however, THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days or even longer in some cases. It is important to note that these periods can vary and differ from person to person. If you want to be sure that THC is no longer detectable in the body, you should plan for a sufficient period without consumption and consider testing if necessary.

THC-COOH value for daily use: THC-COOH is a major metabolite of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis. After consuming cannabis, THC is broken down in the body into various metabolites, of which THC-COOH is the most persistent and is therefore often detected in urine tests to confirm cannabis use. With daily use of cannabis, THC-COOH can accumulate in the body, particularly in fat cells, as it is fat-soluble. As a result, people who regularly consume cannabis can still test positive weeks after their last use. The exact THC-COOH level in urine depends on several factors, including the amount consumed, the potency of the cannabis consumed, the individual's metabolism and the frequency of use. However, daily users may have significantly higher levels than occasional users. It is important to note that a high THC-COOH level in urine does not necessarily indicate current impairment or intoxication, but merely confirms recent cannabis use.

THC breakdown in the body

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive in cannabis, is absorbed by the body after consumption and broken down by various metabolic processes. This breakdown mainly takes place in the liver, where enzymes convert THC into various metabolites, the best known of which is 11-hydroxy-THC. The breakdown of THC follows a so-called half-life, which is shown in a THC breakdown curve. This curve shows how the concentration of THC in the body decreases over time. For occasional users, the half-life of THC is generally between 1.3 and 1.5 days, which means that after this time about half of the THC ingested has been broken down. For regular users, however, this process can take longer, as THC is stored in fat cells and is released more slowly. The 'THC breakdown calculator' is a tool that is often used to estimate how long THC will remain detectable in an individual's body. Based on factors such as frequency of use, quantity and body weight, the calculator can give an approximate length of time until THC is completely eliminated from the system. However, it is important to emphasize that the exact elimination of THC varies from person to person and is influenced by many factors, including metabolism, diet and physical activity. Therefore, such calculators should be considered a guideline and not an absolute truth.

Can dogs break down THC? THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis, not only affects the human body, but also animals, particularly dogs and cats. The endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for the response to cannabinoids, is widespread in mammals, including our pets, and in dogs and cats THC is metabolized in a similar way to humans, mainly in the liver. However, research has shown that the metabolism of dogs converts THC into its psychoactive metabolites more quickly, which can lead to a more intense effect. This explains why dogs are more sensitive to THC and why accidental ingestion of cannabis products can be dangerous for them.

Can cats metabolize THC? Cats also metabolize THC in the liver, but there is less data on the specific differences compared to human metabolism. It is important to emphasize that the consumption of THC-containing products is potentially harmful to pets. Symptoms of THC intoxication in dogs and cats can include lethargy, coordination problems, excessive salivation, tremors and in severe cases even coma or seizures. If you suspect that a pet has consumed cannabis, you should consult a vet immediately.

Various THC products: An overview

Cannabis has gained popularity worldwide in recent years, not only for its psychoactive effects, but also for its potential therapeutic benefits. With this growing popularity, various THC-containing products have also come onto the market. Here is an overview of some of the most common:

  1. THC Oil: This oil is obtained by extracting THC from the cannabis plant. It can be taken orally, dripped under the tongue or used in food and drink. It is particularly popular with people looking for a discreet and dosable method of ingesting THC.
  2. THC vape pen: A portable device that vaporizes THC-containing liquid so that it can be inhaled. It offers a quick effect and is available in different flavors and strengths.
  3. THC edibles: These are foods that are enriched with THC. These include brownies, cookies, chocolates and many other treats. The effects of edibles are slower to kick in than smoking or vaporizing, but last longer.
  4. THC wax: A highly concentrated THC product produced by special extraction processes. It has a waxy consistency and is often "dabbed", i.e. vaporized on a hot surface and then inhaled.
  5. THC crystals: These are almost pure THC extracts obtained through special purification processes. They can be smoked, vaporized or dissolved in other products.
  6. THC drops: Similar to THC oil, but often in a lighter consistency. They are taken orally or dripped under the tongue and offer an easy way to control the dose.
  7. THC gummies: A type of edible in the form of gummy bears or other sweet treats. They are often available in different flavors and strengths and offer a tasty and discreet way to consume THC.
  8. THC Liquid: A liquid for vaporizers or e-cigarettes that contains THC. It offers a smokeless method of consuming THC and enters the bloodstream quickly.


Tetrahydrocannabinol, with its rich history and diverse effects, remains a central compound in the world of cannabis. Its relationship to CBD, its unique chemical structure and its potential therapeutic benefits make it a fascinating and promising topic. As the cannabis landscape continues to evolve, compounds like THC and HHC will undoubtedly play an important role in shaping its future. With brands like LuckyHemp at the forefront, you can be assured of a journey where quality, knowledge and holistic wellbeing are at the forefront.

Dr. Harald Stephan
Dr. rer. medic. Harald Stephan
Biologo laureato, addetto all'elaborazione delle informazioni mediche e dottore in Scienze della Salute

Dopo gli studi a Saarbrücken, il dottor Harald Stephan ha lavorato nella ricerca e nell'insegnamento presso le università di Marburgo e Bochum e presso l'ospedale universitario di Essen, prima di diventare un pubblicista indipendente nel 2016. Per lui acquisire e trasmettere la conoscenza è il lavoro di una vita.

Oltre alle sue pubblicazioni sulla biologia cellulare e sulla ricerca sui tumori in rinomate riviste specializzate, su Internet si possono trovare centinaia di suoi articoli su argomenti di salute. In essi spiega le cause delle malattie, i valori di laboratorio, le diagnosi e le opzioni terapeutiche tradizionali e innovative.